Best Compact DSLR Cameras for Blogging
06:55Being an avid photographer I have multiple camera's which I use. I have the Nikon d7000 which is an amazing for photoshoots, I also h...
5 Places to visit in London - to express your inner Hipster
00:121. Columbia Road Market Perfect for you flower lovers out there! This road comes alive on a Sunday and is absolutely jam packed fu...
Top Tips for Taking Amazing Photos on your iPhone
10:11There's a whole new world evolving out there and it's all with the help of social media... Who needs an office job when you'...
Interiors Inspiration - #HouseGoals
07:33For the past 8 months I've been waiting for my house to be ready.. It's a new build, so I've picked out all there interio...
Simmi Shoes Summer heels Haul
04:18I'm lovin Simmi Shoes SS16 shoe collection! Such great prices and really on trend. Here's my favourite picks ...
Weekend Hangouts and Hangovers
05:36This weekend I paid a little visit to London, after having a pretty rubbish year so far, I needed cheering up! And what better to...
Things every girl should have in her handbag
09:00Every girl knows that their handbag usually weighs a ton for no apparently reason.. as everything in it is a complete essential! From deodo...
Best places to shoot in London
12:00After living there for two years, and now returning about twice monthly shooting with Lucy, I have come to discover some cool places to shoo...