
So here we are...

Just another girl attempting to make a blog.. I decided to start this what you might call 'Journey' after meeting a few bloggers a...

Just another girl attempting to make a blog..

I decided to start this what you might call 'Journey' after meeting a few bloggers and thinking.. why aren't I doing what they're doing...

So here we are!

I'm a 22 to year old Assistant Marketing Manager, once a London College of Fashion student and I also dabble in a bit of photography.. So no this isn't my full time job!

This blog will be a reflection of my life... confusing.. a bit of a mess... unorganised and a tiny bit crazy.. but hey! I'm sure you'll find it super interesting!

I've probably attempted this about 10 times.. But ya know, I think I've got what it takes.. my life is kinda interesting? I used to be a LCF student.. that flopped when I realised only 8 hours of lessons a week for £9K was not good value for money! Anddd it also taught me barely anything.. except that some people will literally crush up coke cans, wear them, and call it "Fashion".

 It's safe to say that I am probably better off out of that crazy world.. So from one place to another.. I worked for one of the most famous nightclubs in London.. all whilst being an extra on Made In Chelsea as well as working for the famous bootcamp Barry's Bootcamp... I then moved back home.. got a job at Argos Head Office.. just like my mum.. then went and got a job in the hell hole that seems to always be on the Daily Mail.. Sports Direct and last but not least my current job! Marketing a very large, very famous pony show... So whoever said job hopping is a bad thing is a lier! Because I don't think I'm doing too bad.. mind you I want to stay in this job for a lot longer than a year!

So that's my life story all there.. oh and I'm also buying a house.. ya know the boring thing that grown ups do.. I'm not glam like the other girls that pose in front of houses in Hight Street Ken.... I'm just your not so average failed fashion student.. now doing absolutely nothing to do with fashion...

So yeh... I'll just keep typing and hope that someone is reading somewhere?.....Anyone?

Peace out

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