
Hangouts and Hangovers Take 2

So this weekend I headed down to London to hang out at one of my favourite clubs Libertine .. I haven't been to Libertine since my un...

So this weekend I headed down to London to hang out at one of my favourite clubs Libertine.. I haven't been to Libertine since my university days so it was so nice to have a major throwback to the good ol' days.

Finding an outfit is always a nightmare.. Jo and I (Pictured below) spend about 10 hours of our day on Oxford Street trying to find an outfit.. Which is always hell, as we tend to do it on the busiest days EVER i.e. Saturday Lunchtime. We tend to fail to find something nice to wear, panic buy and do the "We'll bring it back tomorrow" business.. which we never do. 

After about 5 hours of shopping I found an outfit.. An expensive belt from Topshop, a bodysuit from Miss Selfridge and teamed it with Jo's Topshop pencil skirt, my H&M clutch and my fluffy pink collar.. and Ta Da outfit sorted! 

 Oh Yeh I can't forget about my gorge Topshop heels which kill to wear... Cry me a river... Safe to say I packed flipflops 

After a major make over sesh with my Morphe Brushes palette, my Spectrum Collections brushes and some cheeky WKD we headed out on the town.

A lot of Dom Perignon, XB shots and Belivedere later, we had a fab night, but it was safe to say me and Jo really missed Cirque.. Although Libertine used to be a really good night at uni, we did tend to go on a week day and the music was a bit pants the night we went.. 

Safe to say our next night out will be at Cirque! 

Sunday consist of a lot of hangover food and a cheeky visit to Notting Hill, I can't resist those pretty little houses! 

 Outfit Deets 
Bodysuit £35 - Miss Selfridge 
Belt £25 - TopShop 

 Want some advice for a night out in London.. Comment below and I'll get back to you :)

Thanks for reading 

Pip x

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