
On Location with Lucy Lu Rose - Top Tips for shooting on Location

Hey guys, Me again Getting back into the swing of things blog wise and thought I'd share some tips and tricks from shooting on locatio...

Hey guys, Me again

Getting back into the swing of things blog wise and thought I'd share some tips and tricks from shooting on location, both great for shooting in a hot and cold country...

I've learnt a lot from constantly shooting on location with Lucy Lu Rose, from camera techniques to finding the right light. So I thought as sharing is caring, I'd share my knowledge with you guys!

Top Tips 

1. White Walls are you best friend

with a white wall behind you, you can reflect some great light onto your model when either the lighting is too bright in direct sunlight or the lighting is looking overall naff.

Even getting your model to lean up against the white wall and face the white really flattens blemishes and gives them a flawless look which is great when you're trying to get that editorial shot.

2. Second to white walls, shadows are also our friends 

Shooting in direct sunlight is for the brave! It creates a real harsh light and you'll really struggle to get that flawless look you want, and the shadows will infuriate you.

3. The Golden Hour.. Hours 

So these means getting up at sunrise and shooting till the end of sunset. But believe me it's worth it. That dewy glow you'll get is insane.. trust me. And if you have to get up at 3am like me and Lucy did in Santorini.. well drink LOTS of coffee, then a lot of wine in the afternoon! Ha!

4. Go for a Gander

Getting the shot you want in one area might be quite difficult, the model needs to warm up, you need to decide on the right angle, and well it can get a little stiff up in there.

Go for a walk and continue shooting till you warm up enough to get the shot you want, then head back to the location you were shooting before and nail it!

You'll all be a lot looser and it will be a lot easier than dedicating all your time to that one spot.

There will be more tips and tricks blogs the more I learn so keep reading :)

Hope those tips helped :)

For more of my work check out my website!

Also keep up to date with new shoots @pipwphotos on Instagram

Thanks for reading

Pip x

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