
For the love of Fashion - The story of a London College of Fashion Graduate

Major throwback.. 3 years ago I graduated from London College of Fashion.. Some of the best years of my life and worst too.  With b...

Major throwback.. 3 years ago I graduated from London College of Fashion.. Some of the best years of my life and worst too. 

With big ol' dreams of going to the big smoke to study at 'The Best Fashion Uni in the World' I worked my ass off in GSCE's and A Levels to make it. 
Beating 800 people for 25 spaces, although you didn't even need more than a C to even qualify, it was all down to an amazing cover letter and a bad ass portfolio. 

Fashion Uni is everything Cosmo says it is and more. Gender fluidness is so average everyones doing it, Bondage and nakedness is absolutely loved by all tutors - On my first day there was a girl in another class that stripped naked and told everyone to paint her.. It was her first day too.. and you know what she fitted right in! My friends from home thought it was weird when I turned my hair pink, but it was just the norm.

Everyone says it's a fashion show, you turn up thinking you're going to create the craziest shizz you never even thought you could make and you're gonna loose about 2 stone to look like Kate Moss because everyone must live on fags and wine.. Well one of my flatmates did... 

But in all honesty I learnt nothing from going to LCF bar from the name will get you a lot of places other uni's wont and you need to hustle yourself a career, because it's not only you riding off the name it's the university too... 

But enough of the negativity, I could moan about how I wasted 20K on 8 hours a week with tutors who were too busy freelancing to care. But instead I'll share with you how I managed to survive to this point.. 

My Uni experience was short and sweet (ish) 
All the grades are down to opinion, it is emotionally draining when you've got a minimalist tutor marking your work, when you're a crazy ass bad bitch neon pink kinda girl they ain't gonna like it, and your grades totally flop. I did a Spring Breakers theme shoot, safe to say they hated it.. 
The only amazing mark I got was for a bondage, performer, circus shoot for the club I worked for.. Because you know, nudity, bondage and sex is so in right now and thats apparently what all tutors love!  

To be honest my 2 years at uni were spent in PJ's. 
I spent most of the time partying like a classic student.. but it's partying that landed me my first paid role. 
You'll learn in fashion that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get paid work early in your career, because Nancy over there is willing to undercut you for nothing, all in the hope that the experience will get her somewhere in future.  

But it was living in London that made me who I am. From being an extra on Made In Chelsea, working for a crazy ass nightclub to living a stone throw from Brick Lane. London is the place to be if you wanna make it in this crazy industry.. 

My advice for any lil fashion lover out there that has the same dream I had.. Move to London, get an apprenticeship in a big fashion company and work your way up.. Uni means nothing now'er days and experience is so much more valuable.  

Sorry for the reality check/depressing ending ha! 
Thanks for reading
Pip x 

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