
Holiday Style Take 2

So I've just got back from Holiday #1 with the second in one days time! With an interview, packing, dental appointments and trying to i...

So I've just got back from Holiday #1 with the second in one days time! With an interview, packing, dental appointments and trying to insure my camera equipment, it's safe to say I'm bussyyyyyy! Plus I've brought the gorgeous weather back with me, which is great, bar the fact that England turns into a hot sweaty, sticky mess when it gets over 15 degrees... 

So while I sit here melting, I'm going to showcase some more of my holiday style.. I know the last post was a bit naff so I promise this one will be better.. Plus I'll even do one more style blog.. you know, to drag this holiday business out a bit... 

I managed to teach my boyfriend how to use my Sony A5000! We started off with some dodgy shots but by the end of the holiday we were getting better! 

To be honest I'm much better behind the camera than in front, so excuse the naff poses... 

Santorini Style blog and photoshoot will be up next so watch this space! 

Outfit -
Dress - Topshop
Shoes - TK Maxx 

Thanks for reading 
Pip x

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